Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I get in these weird hobby spurts.

For instance, when we moved, I wanted to get my bedroom perfect, so I worked on my interior designing skills. Silly. We got so far as to find matching furniture and the perfect wall colors. That is all. The window treatments aren't even up yet and it's been a little over 2 years.

Late last summer, I started taking pictures with my camera and then it broke. But some of the pictures were really nice and so I saved up and got a really nice camera- an Olympus E520- which I have no idea how to use. I haven't even touched it's full potential.

In the fall, I took a noted interest in nutrition and started watching what I ate and working out consistently. This didn't last long.

In the spring, Etsy was discovered. So I started making some jewelry. None of which sold. And now I have a $9.11 Etsy bill for posts. Not to mention the money I spent getting tools and such.

So. All that said. I've signed up for a photography class in the fall that I can hopefully learn a lot from. My mother and I are planning to hold each other accountable and work out at 8pm five days a week. And maybe I'll get the bedroom furniture when I graduate and can work on making a home for myself then. As for now, I've wasted a ton of time and effort and money on that jewelry stint.

....but I am really really really super duper excited for that photography class in about four months! :D


  1. oh! the photography class sounds fun!

    I go on spurts like that too. My most recent was to get my room completely clean and organized! It went well the first two days back from school, but I've still got a suitcase (or two. okay, or three...) to unpack. Its all because I went to boarders and spent 50 (gift card) dollars on books! and then read them. :)

    but its okay, 'cus the books were really good!

    oh- and I like the music on your blog :)

  2. $50-worth of books sounds like heaven! and yeah...i haven't unpacked yet. except the daily clothing needs : P

    and thank you! ^_^
