Monday, September 27, 2010

The Plan

I do not like going out and doing things for a few reasons:
1) It uses money that you need for things you really need, like bills.
2) It uses time you really need for things you really need to do (like studying and cleaning, for me).
3) I usually don't like whatever activity is going down anyway.
4) Last, but most certainly not least at this time of year, IT IS FREEZING.
So I have devised a plan for this winter...

Step 1~ Make a list of things you want to try.
Step 2~ Pick one of those items and apply it to everyday life for a full week.
Step 3~ Be happy despite the horrid weather because you am doing more things that you find enjoyable than you did when the weather was more enjoyable.

Hopefully, by the end of this plan, I'll be less moody and sloppy and preoccupied with things that don't matter. Maybe I'll be pleasant to be around and happy with who I am and maybe I'll learn a little something (especially with all the studying, eh?).  

SOOOO off to make another list (anyone else a list-a-holic? Really, they are a secret pleasure for me. Who cares if the items get crossed out, THEY'RE ON A LIST. That makes them so much more official, don't you think?)

*~~~~~*   What are you going to put on your "To Try" list?   *~~~~~*


  1. I don't know if these count, but I want to learn accents from different countries and regions. I want to learn random knowledge. I want to learn to cook good food. I want to have a picnic when there is snow on the ground. I want to do so many odd things, but they sound fun. So, I've put them on a list. And I agree- it is much more official when you have a list. And, in my opinion, a handwritten list is more official than a typed one. I don't know why, it just seems more permanent :)

  2. Accents? So you can confuse people in different countries! : P
